Punta Mita Events

why are they so important

Events bring joy – A family dinner, a wedding, a 9 Whine & Dine  Sunday or a Pickleball mixer. Because these kind of events are so commonplace in our lives, we tend to overlook their importance. Funnily, in a crisis like COVID-19 the things that people missed the most was their ability to catch up with loved ones. These simple events form lasting connections between families and communities, the true building blocks that make up a healthy society from the oldest to the youngest. What could be more important than that? Events can bring joy.

Events promote important causes  – In Punta Mita our community prides itself  on our active participation on so many fronts as we constantly and continuously create awareness of the many causes we support be it the local School Campus , health care, sustainability  all made possible through creative events and activations

Events allow a platform of creativity – When it comes to amazing event creativity and design we’re spoilt for choice. Large scale events such as the Olympics or the Superbowl employ every design trick available to create the outlandish and the spectacular. But creativity can be seen and used in any event regardless of size or budget and we can be proud of the Punta Mita team that year after year creates over 50 events of different shapes and sizes be it the Signature Punta Mita Gourmet & Golf Classic or a 5K Fun Run.  Our role in designing events is to create a design concept that truly gives the event itself an identity and an emotion of its own. It’s about grabbing our audience’s attention from the get-go and sparking an emotion through inspiration, colour and the use of the basic elements and principles of design to evoke all five senses. The aim? To create a feast of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell through creative design and execution.

Events bring brands to life  – Over the last decade Punta Mita’s dynamic calender of events renowned for their quality & variety  has certainly created a buzz and assisted in putting Punta Mita on the map as a leading luxury resort destination. The media and goodwill our events generate both in the USA & Mexico  constantly reminds it’s  audience what they love about Punta Mita

Events encourage the sharing of ideas – think Punta Mita Tech Talks that encourage discussion, respectful debate and creative ideas. Events which aim to bringing life-changing conversation, action and societal change. Events encourage the sharing of ideas

Events stimulate emotion Events can pulse with emotion : imagine caddying for the Walrus Craig Stadler in a match with Lorena Ochoa. Events create content which for this scribe has been one of the pillars of success in the years gone by.  That said Physical events can connect us like no digital experience can – If there’s one thing we’ve learned from living through a world wide pandemic it’s that nothing can take the place of physically being with people. We really, really need human interaction and connection and that need also applies to events. And while everyone is busily transforming their events where possible to digital environments, never before have we craved face-to-face, in-person experiences as much. With the stress, uncertainty, and isolation, it has never been more desirable to stay connected with fellow humans and environments’ and I am confident in predicting that ‘face-to-face events will be more powerful than ever in a post-Coronavirus world.’The fundamentals behind gathering, touching, exploring, and playing aren’t going anywhere soon—and neither is the live events industry. Human connection through the simplest of experiences.’ What could be more important than that?

It is through the reflections made above that the Punta Mita Events Team  is honored to put together another season of carefully curated events many of which our fans are familiar with while also presenting new events. It there is one thing we are sure of that these events that have become part of our Viva Punta Mita Life will and can only be possible with our Residents & Guests supports as well as that of all the stakeholders that participate in making the events a reality. For that we thank