J&G Grill – St Regis Mexico City
I have dined here on a number of occasions and it has quickly become one of my favourites in Mexico City – fondly remember a great dinner with my friend Fabio Nonato when it just opened; lunch with my mate from Banamex Pepe and the list goes on including a great evening recently with GM Rui Reis and CEOS from Accenture; Unilever, Sodexho, Brasken all Brasilians based in Mexico and their better halves – the deco, setting, the terrace overlooking the Paseo de la Reforma, a good smokers section, cool music and what thrills me, the Chefs table by Chef Maycoll along with the great cuisine makes this a must for anyone visting Mexico City. Off a very produce driven menu with simple but perfectly cooked dishes my favourites are the Pizzaa de Aguacate with Avocado, Jalapeño, Cilantro and lemon – delicious and one I have tried at home.The differents options off the Parilla are all great while I generally go for the Prime NY Strip with a black pepper sauce.
Allow me to share both the menu the wines and our friends from this wonderful evening with our Rui and our amigos do Brasil – saudades do Brasil:
· Medias Ostras en su Concha Mignonette
· Sashimi de Salmón con Arroz Crujiente Mayonesa de Chipotle
· Sashimi de Hamachi Hongo Shiitake Aderezo de Yuzu y Soya
· Camarones del Golfo sellados Calabaza, Jengibre y Albahaca
· Ravioli de Cangrejo Azul de Ensenada Elote y Té Limón
· Sopa de Calabaza de Castilla Huitlacoche y Cebollín
· Ensalada Iceberg Cebollas Moradas, Jitomate Aderezo de Cotija
· Chicharrón con Vinagre de Manzana, Miel, Echalot y Jengibre
Plato Fuerte:
· Mero de Yucatán Rostizado con Frijoles Negros, Aguacate, Puré de Cilantro
· Milanesa de Ternera, Puré de camote Arándanos y Arugula
· Costillas de Res Glaseadas Puré de Manzana – Jalapeño, Brotes de Romero
· Atún Tartar con Mayonesa Limón
· Tarta Rústica de Manzana Helado de Té Chai, Calvados
· Pastel de Elote, Salsa de Cajeta, Helado de Mezcal
· Tarta Clásica de Higos, Helado de Praliné
· Sundae de Caramelo, Cacahuates, Palomitas Caramelizadas, Salsa de Chocolate
· Pastel de Queso J&G, Crema de Limón, Nieve de Mora Azul
· Pastel de Chocolate Caliente, Helado de Vainilla
En cuanto a los vinos:
· Vino Tinto Beronia Rioja Reserva 2005 – España
· Vino Tinto Fuentespina Reserva 2005 – España
· Mount Nelson Sauvignon Blanc 2008 – Marlborough, Nueva Zelanda
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