In what was probably my sweetest Golf win with my mate Aaron Grieshaber from The Colonial we recently won the Punta Mita Tail of the Whale Member Guest tournament!

With 55 2 ball teams in a 2 day tournament in Punta Mita we shot a 63 on Day 1 and 66 on Day 2 to win overall low score by 2 strokes – that however did not mean we were the Champions as for the 1st time in this event there was the 6 team flight winners playoff!

Before I go into the playoff allow me to recall highlights of day 1

  • Beginning with a birdie
  • Aaron shooting a gross 77
  • Me shooting a gross 80
  • 2 nd lowest round of the day
  • Near hole in one by Aaron on hole 3
  • Birdied 3 of the last Four holes for a 9 Under team total
  • We played with good mates Marcelo and Tom Bates

Day 2

  • We scrambled well from the outset after a rocky start
  • Played with great guys Randy NICHOLS and his mate Duffy
  • Aaron made a heap of 6 to 8 Footers to save par
  • My bunker shot on 15 bahia for a Sand y Par
  • Long downhill putt for par on 16
  • Aaron’s 3 wood on 18 from 259 out as we birdied
  • Low round of the day with a 66

After a light lunch and a couple of Margaritas it was fun playoff time in a shootout with 6 teams – 2 eliminated on hole 1 – 1 on hole 2 and 1 on hole 3 – leaving 2 teams on the las hole in this case 18th Pacifico

The playoff hole 1

My mate Rob Ritchie and And fellow resident Bob Krugman and Jeff the defending champs we knocked. We scrapped through with a bogey and staying Close enough in the chip off.

Playoff hole 2 – 4 teams

Alternate shot I kept my drive on the fairway – Aaron hits a good shot green side bunker – I Put in on the green – 2 putt for a bogey we go through as another mate Dermott had bunker problems and get eliminated

Hole 3 – 17 Pacifico – 3 teams left

Aaron puts it on the green 35 Ft from the pin – Mark Campbell leaves about 4 ft longer and 2 putt for Par- Mike Crawford come short however get upndown for a Par – 3 is a 2 for them. Embo sinks a bomb downhill from 35 ft for a birdie and we go through

Final Hole – 18 Pacifico – 2 teams

We both bogey this hole so need to replay 18th! Mike Crawford hits his drive OB left! I put my drive down the fairway as does Mike at his 2 attempt advantage Embo Grieshaber – Aaron hits his into the hazard – we take a drop I chip up short of the green. Mike and Partner have a 12 ft for a dbl bogey and slip it by. Aaron chips it to 2 feet Embo sinks the putt and we win!!!! Great fun few days Lots of laughs great golf – Aaron you rock Mate! Bates thanks for coming both are back in 2019!

We will be back to defend in 2019!