Over the month of December I had some great rounds of golf with a variety of friends & clients. Marcelo and I continue our 9 holes Tuesday & Thursday at first light – we get in our 9 holes in 1hr 10 mins average. It was great to see friends from Acapulco, Pepe & Emilio Villarreal, my good mate Charles down from NYC, Daniel Ross from the UK as well as resident Paul Hoffmann who beat me on both occasions. My important playing mate visited between Xmas & New Year – no blood on this occasion which is always nice. Handicap index end of Dec 10.4

Date               Golf Results Dec 2013      Course          Holes      Format         Result         Comments

01/12/2013     Marcelo Lopez                    Bahía             9              Matchplay     2 & 1

03/12/2013     Marcelo Lopez                    Bahía             9              Matchplay     3&2

06/12/2013     Nicolas Melani                    Bahía             9              Matchplay     Draw           CE gives 9 strokes per 9

08/12/2013     Paul Hoffmann                    Pacifico         9              Matchplay     2 Down        CE gives PH 4 strokes per 9

07/12/2013    Marcelo Lopez                     Bahía            18            Matchplay      AS

10/12/2013   Marcelo Lopez                      Bahía            9              Matchplay      1 Down

12/12/2013   Marcelo Lopez                      Bahía            9             Matchplay       3 up

13/12/2013  Paul Hoffmann                       Pacifico        18           Matchplay       1 Down       CE gave 8 strokes

14/12/2013  Carl E / Emilio Villareal           Pacifico        18            Four Ball         2&1
vs. Pepe Villareal
Marcos Fastlicht

14/12/2013  Carl E vs. Pepe Villareal         Pacifico        18            Matchplay       2 up

15/12/2013  Carl E / Charles Wortmann     Pacifico        18            2 Ball Scramble                Lost 3&2
vs Ari Bluman / Carlos Martinez

16/12/2013 Marcelo Lopez                         Pacifico          9             Matchplay      2 up

19/12/2013 Marcelo Lopez                         Pacifico          9             Matchplay      2&1

21/12/2013 Ari Bluman                               Pacifico          18           Matchplay      1 Down

22/12/2013 Daniel Ross                             Pacifico          18           Matchplay       1 up

22/12/2013 Carl E / Daniel Ross                Pacifico          18           2 Ball Best Ball 1 Down
vs Roy Gibb / Steve Smeke

24/12/2013 Carl E vs Steve Smeke           Bahía              18          Matchplay         3 up

24/12/2013 Carl E vs Marcelo                   Bahía               18         Matchplay          2 up

26/12/2013 Carl E vs Marcelo                   Pacifico              9         Matchplay          3&2

28/12/2013 CE / LM vs Pepe / EN            Pacifico            18          2 Ball                 CE LM Win  78 Whites

29/12/2013 CE / LM vs Pepe / EN            Pacifico            18          2 Ball                 Pepe EN Win 79 Whites